UNofficial site of the Eiffel Tower

Works Cited

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We would like to thank. . .

Aaseng, Nathen.  Construction: Building the Impossible.

Minneapolis, Minnesota: The Oliver Press Inc.,2000.

63 to 75.

Ingham, Richard.  Nations of the World: France.  Austin,

Texas:  Raintree Steck-Vaught Publishing, 2000.  36

and 41.

Condit, Carl W., "Eiffel Tower." Grolier Multimedia

Encyclopedia.  Scholastic Library Publishing. 

2005.  2 March, 2005.  <hppt://>.

"Paris expositions."  Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia.

Scholastic Library Publishing.  2005.  2 March, 2005.


Official Site of the Eiffel Tower.  2005.  8 March, 2005.



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